
Systemic Inflammation Part 2: General Inflammation

Systemic inflammation is a chronic, low-grade inflammation that occurs throughout the body. It is caused by an imbalance in the body’s immune system, where the body’s cells, tissues, and organs become overly sensitive to attack by the immune system. [...]

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Sleep Protocol

Regarding your health, there is nothing as important as sleep. Your immune system, cognition, hormones, emotional stability, and general recovery heavily rely on quality sleep. Without good sleep, you can never optimize your health and performance. So, it would [...]

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Lyme Immune and Neurologic Protocols

Lyme Immune and Neurologic Protocols AllicinMed one cap twice per day Nutriodine 8 drops twice per day NutriDefense one cap twice per day NutruSilver 6 sprays orally four times daily Cell Defense two caps twice per day Ultra Thiamine B1 [...]

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Stroke Recovery Protocols

Check Ou these NutriMeds to Prevent Strokes and Heal Brain from Past Strokes with Product Links Below   Nattokinase Nattokinase

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Alcoholism Withdrawal Therapy Protocols

Alcohol Withdrawal Therapy Protocols GABA T2 two caps three times per day Lithium Orotate two caps three times per day Cognition Plus one cap three times per day 5HTP two tabs three times per day Power Methyl B12 one tab [...]

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Atrial Fibrillation Core Protocols

Atrial Fibrillation Core Protocols KardioVasc four caps or 60 drops tincture twice per day SuperNOX Plus NO2 Beets one scoop twice per day CoQ10 Supreme two softgels twice per day Magnesium Glycinate two caps twice per day Forskoline two caps twice [...]

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Joint Injury Arthritis and Integrative Joint Tear Recovery

Joint Injury and Rotator Cuff Tear Recovery Protocols Protocol and Tests for Rotator Cuff Injury Rule out Tear See an arthroscopic Subspecialist Orthopedic Surgeon: Scope and Repair partial tears, remove debris and shave down bony encroachment of the acromion [...]

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Stroke Recovery Protocols

Stroke Recovery Protocols KardioVasc three caps or 45 drops KardioVasc three caps or 45 drops tincture twice per day or KardioVasc three caps or 45 drops tincture twice per day KARDIOVASC (180 Capsules)   Nattokinase two to [...]

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Eye Glaucoma Protocols 

Eye Glaucoma Protocols VisionMAX two caps twice per day NutruSilver six spray with three and repeat four times per day to eyes Nutiodine 10 drops in water three times per day Ultra Thiamine B1 two caps twice per day Cell Detox [...]

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Diabetes Recovery Protocols 

Diabetes Recovery Protocols   DiabetaLean two caps and Biotin Plus two caps before all meals NutriTRALA one tab twice per day Carnosine D-Link two caps twice per day Ultra Thiamine B1 two caps twice per day H2 Plex one [...]

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Showing 1–10 of 269 results