
Joint Injury Arthritis and Integrative Joint Tear Recovery

Joint Injury and Rotator Cuff Tear Recovery Protocols

Protocol and Tests for Rotator Cuff Injury Rule out Tear

See an arthroscopic Subspecialist Orthopedic Surgeon:

Scope and Repair partial tears, remove debris and shave down bony encroachment of the acromion if present PRP Platelet Rich Plasma x3 injections in to joint one month apart, monitored by MRI of joint for signs of healing recovery

NutriMeds >>>

InflamX three caps to four caps  three times per day

ArthritX two softgel three times per day

Cell Defense two caps twice per day or Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold one scoop twice per day

Joint Performance two softgels three times per day

Tendon Mender one cap three times per day

MyCell D3 two 5,000 IU Softgels twice per day or MyCell D3 Liquid 10 drops twice per day

Bone Generator three caps twice per day after meals Full

Vitamin K2 two caps twice per day

CollagenMAX one cap twice per day

Collagen Peptides Pro one scoop twice per day

MicroDose HGH 4 Sprays under tongue four times per day

Power C PLus four caps three times per day

If not settling in one week, Lumen Photon 180 with velcro strap, apply 7 for 15 minutes and then NICO for 15 minutes three times per day

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